events, fundraising and on-line shopping
MONTHLY WALKS - usually 2nd Sunday
TEETH CLEANING, NAIL CLIPPING and WEIGHING Pamper Sessions - next 23rd March 2025
2025 RGSL GREYHOUND CALENDAR - still available - Watch out for our 2026 Calendar.

Annual CHRISTMAS DINNER - Saturday 13th December 2025 - Reserve your place now.
Buy all your greeting cards, and other items from our ON-LINE STORE
Shop through the Easyfundraising portal - Scan this QR code to sign up to the RGSL and raise funds when you shop, book a holidays, pay insurances etc.
Connect your Pets at Home 'Pet Club' card to Retired Greyhounds South Lakes with no cost to yourselves, but the charity gets quarterly vouchers to spend in store.
Periodic donations by Standing Order are much appreciated, and let us know if you can Gift Aid it.
THE PADDOCK - let your dog have an off lead run or do some training for a small donation.
Donations towards the care and homing of the greyhounds here are very much appreciated.
As part of the Recycling for Good Causes scheme we can raise funds from donated items. Click to see what we can send, them and bring your items to Beech Hill House LA11 6RH.
Donations can be received by using our QR code on your smartphone.
Donate items from our Amazon Wishlist