2025 Greyhound Calendar Photographs
£7.00 each from the homing centre at Beech Hill House LA11 6RH , at monthly walks and other events.
BUY online (price includes postage & packing)

TIGER (Master Plot), MAX (Society Speedy) and BECKY (Monagea Lodge)

January - HANNAH (Knock Hanna)

February - FRANKY (Windy Night)

March - DREAM (Xmas Dreamer) and MAX (Shaneboy Madrid)

April - CLYDE (Along Came Finn)

May - SID (Onyergorambo)

June - MOLLY (Merry Mizen)

July - REBEL (Xmas Rebel)

August - BOB (Denwill Bomber)

September - MAX (Maxie Formula)

October - QUEENIE (Maspeth Queen)

November - LEAH (Short Term)

December - CARRIE (Ooktree Ash)