Supported Hounds, Greyhounds Homed and their Racing Names

Supported Hound

BOYCIE was only 2 years old when he had his front right leg amputated due to osteosarcoma at the end of August 2020.
Despite only being given 4 to 6 months to live Boycie, against all the odds is still happily living with his long-term foster family and as today he’s still going strong. This is why they should all be given a chance and not just ‘written off’. Boycie has Kiki as a companion and is being loved and cared for by Fiona and her family with our help.

If you would like to help us with his continuing veterinary care please click on donate and make a donation. Every little helps, thank you.


In 2025 we’ve homed 9 greyhounds to date, which makes a total of 917 homed since we began in July 2004
View names and  photos of the dogs

We know it's not the number we home that counts because some stay here longer than others, but we thought you may like to know.

In 2024 we homed 53 greyhounds
View names and  photos of the dogs
In 2023 we homed 45 greyhounds
View names and  photos of the dogs
In 2022 we homed 60 greyhounds
View names and photos of the dogs
In 2021 we homed 58 greyhounds
View names and photos of the dogs
In 2020 we homed 69 greyhounds

View names and photos of the dogs

Homed in Racing Name Order

Here are some of the many greyhounds we’ve homed listed in alphabetical order by their racing name so you can see other greyhounds who came from the same owners and kennels as yours.

Click on the dog’s name if linked and visit their page on for more information and photos about them. Please note this is an ongoing process so please give us time to add all the many years of information we have.

Supported Hound

IRIS , who was born on the 24th September 2013 was homed on the 12th January 2022. Sadly she was returned when her owner became ill, and because of her age, and special needs she’s staying with Jenny and Stuart as a supported hound during her twilight years.

If you would like to help us with her upkeep and veterinary care please click on donate and make a donation. Every little helps, thank you.