Pamper Sessions
Teeth & Ear Cleaning, Nail Clipping and Weighing
Minimum £15.00 donation per greyhound.
STRICTLY BY APPOINTMENT ONLY - (maximum 20 allowed)
Due to the popularity of this event if you are unable to come please let us know as soon as possible to allow someone else to take your place, and dogs may have to wait one or two sessions between visits.
The goods store will be open for purchases of coats, fleeces, collars, our 2025 calendar, raffle tickets, hand crafted cards, rummage boxes, many pre-owned items along with much more.
Refreshments available.
NEXT SESSION - Sunday 23rd March 2025
Minimum £15.00 donation per greyhound.
A big thank you to Julie, all those who organise, help, and attend the event to support us.
14:00 - Jack - (Solway Moonlight)
14:10 - Woody (Dingys Herb)
14:20 - Destiny (Dianes Destiny)
14:30 - Jessie (Granree Jessie)
14:40 - ] Molly (Mollies First)
14.50 - ] Stan (Stan Free)
15:00 - Sherry (Boyneside Roisin)
15:10 - Tommy (Walking in Memphis)
15:20 - Mabel (Domino Gem)
15:30 - Bob (Sporting Divoc)
15:40 - ] Mia (Clonleigh Hondo)
15:50 - ] Storm (Shaneboy Storm)
16:00 - Zeus (Take A Chance)
16:10 - ]Martha (Hows Your Mother)
16:20 - ]Kev (Kevs Pet)
16:30 - Lenny (Bound ToBe Lenny)
16:40 - Fifi (Clonleigh Fifi)
16:50 - Briony (Madabout Briony)
17:00 - Twister (Around the Twist)
17:10 - Blaze (Hovex Blaze)
* * * * * * * * * *
The date prior to the name is the last date they were weighed here, and this determines the order they move to the list above. New dogs who haven’t been before go to the top of the waiting list.
IMPORTANT: - If your name is below please check this page often as the session date approaches even up to the day before to see if you’ve been put on the session due to a cancellation.
. . . Polly (was Dolly)
. . . ] Freda (Some Freedom)
03/03/2024 . . . ] Benji (Tarsna Shine)
15/09/2024 . . . Tilly (Willytheferret)
15/09/2024 . . . Storm (Horizon Storm)
24/11/2024 . . . Penny (Levante Princess)
24/11/2024 . . . ] Lizzie (Ballygibbon Liz)
24/11/2024 . . . ] Rebel (Xmas Rebel)
24/11/2024 . . . Queenie (Maspeth Queen)
24/11/2024 . . . Zoe (Dark Invader)