19th February Teeth and Nail Session.

We held the teeth and nail clinic last Sunday, which was a massive success as usual. Thank you to everyone who attended. We raised £701.50 in total. £21.70 from refreshments, £340.00 donations and £339.80 from items purchased. As ever we are grateful to Julie Bateson for her expertise and her time holding these clinics for us, its a real team effort to make this event run smoothly. Thank you to everyone who helped out.

The next session will be in the summer date to yet be confirmed, you can put your dogs name on the list by contacting Jenny directly, we also have a waiting list with the event being so popular. We also ask that people do not book on consecuetive sessions, to make it fair so everyone can get a slot.


Jenny and Stuart receive award!


Big News…Penny has been homed!