Boarding Kennels
If you don’t have anybody to look after your dog while you’re away and you need to use boarding kennel, choose one where other greyhounds stay. Ask for references, for recommendations on social media - ask the homing centre where you got your dog. Choose one that is licensed by the local authority, where you are able to visit beforehand to assess the environment and staff, ensure they can accommodate your dog's specific needs, ask about their exercise routines, feeding practices, emergency procedures, and always ask about their experience with Greyhounds, their ability to do first aid and manage potential behavioral issues.
Never put your dog in a boarding kennel without trialing it first - you don’t know how your dog will react to being left in one, and you haven’t given your dog chance to understand its not being left there for good, and panic. He needs to know you are coming back.
Ensure your dog fully understands your phrase ‘stay there, back soon, back soon’. With a dog not knowing the difference between a minute, an hour, a day or never your phrase says you are going away, but you are coming back.
Let your dog stay in the boarding kennel of your choice, say for an hour, couple of hours or half a day for a few times before you leave them for the first time so they get to know the people, and place. Each time you leave your dog give them a piece of your clothing, shoe or slipper, look them in the eyes, and say ‘stay there, back soon, back soon’.
Things to remember:
1. Book kennel spaces well in advance.
2. People tend to book the kennel space before arranging their holiday.
3. Some kennels close over Christmas.
4. Some kennels close during the year for owner/staff holidays.
See also ‘Anxiety and Stress’